I had planned to expand on yesterday's topic tonight, but unfortunately I waited too long to get started with tonight's entry and I am no longer on the computer that has all the URLs I was going to use here. I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow to point to the actual web pages where I go to get my song selections.
Another thing I was going to do tonight which I never got around to do was read a chapter of the book we are reading as part of the Church discernment committee. The book we are reading is "Power Surge". The goal is to read chapters 3 through 5 before next Monday's meeting. I had planned to read chapter 3 tonight, chapter 4 tomorrow and chapter 5 Friday which would have left the whole weekend for my daughter to get to read those chapters as she is also part of the committee. I guess now I will have to double up one of the nights (I'm guessing tomorrow night as apparently chapter 5 is very dense reading).
As you can tell, procrastination is something I am very good at (or bad at depending on your point of view). Maybe by publicly embarrassing myself I will motivate myself to procrastinate less. Somehow I don't think that will help much.
I will let everyone know how things go tomorrow. Until then...
God bless you!