Okay. When I mentioned the United Church of Canada and United Methodist Church web sites, I did not point you directly to the pages where I get hymn suggestions. So I would like to remedy that oversight tonight.
First, I should say that the two main places I get my suggestions are the back of the Voices United hymnal and the weekly Lectionary hymn list from the United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship. Another web page where you can get a few suggestions is the Gathering page of the United Church of Canada. All you have to do once you are on that page is select the current edition and then select the Sunday you want. This gives you a pretty big list of hymns to choose from.
I am in the middle of reading Chapter 3 of the Power Surge book. It looks like I will only get that one chapter read tonight. I guess that means reading Chapter 4 on Friday and Chapter 5 on Saturday.
Chapter 3 is about the Six Critical Marks of Leadership. I was about to put them up here, but I guess that would be a breach of the book copyright.
Well I guess I better wrap this up so I can finish reading the chapter.
God bless you!