When I wrote a couple of days ago that I was going to restrict myself to the joyous part of the Sunday service as it was coming right after the pre-service singing, I did not realize how hard it was going to be to find songs that only spoke of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Most songs seem to prefer to cover all of Holy Week in their verses. So basically what happened is that I ran out of time trying to find those songs that only touch on the joy and ended up with the following (in the order they will be sung):
Tell Me The Stories of Jesus (VU357)
We Sang Our Glad Hosannas (TFWS2111)
Lord I Lift Your Name on High (TFWS2088)
I guess I better put those into the presentation now. I am still trying to decide if I should sing all the verses of "Tell me the stories of Jesus" or if I should leave out the last verse. But then if I do that I guess I would have to leave out the 4th stanza of "We sang our glad Hosannas". Oh well, I will put them all in and decide at the last minute.
God Bless You!