Another week, another chance to pick songs for the singsong and the service. Please do not think that I pick the hymns for the service, I merely make suggestions to our minister and she picks songs based on those suggestions and also the choices she thinks will best fit the topic of the bible passage. This week's bible passage is Matthew 13:24-30, the parable of the wheat and the weeds. The suggested hymns this week that I think would fit well in the singsong are few and far between so I might have to search some more to see if I can find more suggestions.
As I have mentioned in a couple of previous entries, the last chapter we read in "Power Surge", chapter 5, is quite a dense chapter so it has been decided that we will spend the next week and a half re-reading the chapter so we can get really familiar with it. It is really the heart of the book as it delves in depth in the marks of discipleship. I must confess that I do not remember much of the details of the chapter, so it will be good to re-read it. Maybe it will answer some of the questions I have about how to go about including the marks of discipleship into my daily life.
I forgot my notebook at work, which means I cannot send the email I was going to send about what we received at yesterday's meeting. I think I will drive by the office so I don't put off sending the information out.
God bless you!