It was obvious to me last night at the meeting of the Discernment Committee that I had been focusing solely on the Love Esquimalt/Vic. West/View Royal over the last few days - I had not finished the reading assignment for the meeting and I must say I feel really badly about it. It also turns out that I had not been reading my daily devotional over the last few days either. I have to figure out how to not get so focused on one thing at the expense of the others. Of course LYC is now over for the time being so returning to the other things will be much easier.
The songs I had chosen to sing before the service seem to have been liked by the congregation - as well as the song we sang during the service "Agnus Dei. I guess now is the time to start thinking about songs for next week. The scriptures for this next week are: Deuteronomy 26:1-13a and Mark 6:34-44.
One song to which I particularly like the words (I do not know that tune tho') is "The Church of Christ in Every Age" VU601. I particularly like the 1st, 3rd, and last verses. I think they are pretty indicative of what our church is going through and trying to come to grips with these days.
God Bless You!