I have started looking for songs for next Sunday. The theme Bible reading is Exodus 16 and since it is also Thanksgiving this means that finding songs is not very difficult; choosing the songs is the difficult part this time around. After a cursory look around, the following songs are possibilities:
"O How Thankful I Am" Terry Butler
"Come, Come, Everybody Worship" Natalie Sleeth TFWS2271
"Give Thanks" Henry Smith TFWS2036
"Let All Things Now Living" VU242,TFWS2008
"Would You Bless Our Homes and Families" VU556
I have not yet finished looking so I am hoping that there will be more songs to choose from for Sunday. I will let you know.
I have a few days off coming up and I am hoping that I can get caught up on the reading that needs to be done before the next Discernment meeting. I have been falling behind on my reading and I really have no one to blame but myself for not setting aside the time to read.
God Bless You!