Monday, April 10, 2006
Unfocused meeting?
For some reason tonight I felt like we were not as focused on the task at hand as we had been in previous meeting. We did get some work accomplished, but it certainly seemed to me like we were very easily led away from the subject. Could it be that working on fine tuning our Vision and Mission statements as well as our core values is not as exciting as coming up with them in the first place?

One of the things that we did get accomplished was to refine our Vision statement. The new version now reads:

Esquimalt United Church is a community of everyday people following Christ on a never ending spiritual journey.

I do not recall mentioning it here, but the previous version (which you can read here) had me wondering what kind of community we were talking about. The refinement above answers that question.

We also made some small changes (more refinements) to the Mission statements and the core values. For those, you will have to wait until the Esquimalt United church Collaboration Site is updated with the latest meeting notes.

Confession time: I must say that I was reticent at first to use some of the statements that our facilitator had brought to the meeting which had been gleaned from other church web sites. I had found it interesting that only 2 or 3 meetings ago the facilitator would not help us as we had to come up with our own statements but now it is okay to help us? Anyway, we did end up using one of the statements that we all thought fit our church particularly well.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:36 PM | Permalink |