Thursday, May 04, 2006
One thing I had hoped to run by other members of the Discernment committee at the canceled meeting yesterday was my thoughts on how many kindness cards should be ordered. If you recall, I had reasoned that we should probably get 600 bottles of water to hand out, hence 600 kindness cards. Since there was no meeting, and the orders had to be in on Wednesday I arbitrarily decided on ordering the 600 cards. If we decide to order fewer bottles of water we can always find other uses for the extra cards.

The choir decided to do "As We Gather at Your Table" [VU457] as our choir anthem. I must say that it sounds very good in 4 part harmony. For this song I get to sing tenor and Brooke will sing bass; well at least that is how we practiced it at choir practice. When we first came to the song in the practice, we pretty much all went "Are we having communion?" (VU457 is a communion hymn). But after singing it, I think that with words like "bringing peace where there is strife" it is a good song to sing on Battle of the Atlantic Sunday .

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:59 PM | Permalink |