"Then Peter began to speak: 'I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.'" -- Acts 10:34-36 [NIV]
"We believe that God loves everyone unconditionally." -- Esquimalt United church Value statement.
One of the things I have been meaning to do is to go over the list of scriptures that were given to us to find what biblical passages were the basis for our Vision, Mission and Values statements. So when I was going over the Bible passages for next Sunday's service the passage above made me think of one of our value statements, which is why I decided to put both of them above.
One thing I am trying to get an early start on is the picking of songs for the pre-service singing for next Sunday. I do have a head start this week as I already have the powerpoint presentation for the service. So it seemed silly to not take advantage of it. I have glanced at the service, and I have read the Bible passages; this should give me something to ponder and make it easier to figure out which song will be appropriate as I will have been familiar with the service already.
God Bless You!