I have spent most of the evening trying to pick out the songs to be sung during the singsong Sunday morning. Tomorrow's service is based on the Parable of the Leaven as well as being communion. So I have picked two songs that fit with tomorrow being communion, one that is suggested for the bible reading, and one that is based on a Psalm reading that was included in the chapter of "Power Surge" we have been reading for the Discernment committee. What I ended up is (in the order they will be sung):
Seek Ye First the Kingdom - Karen Lafferty (VU #356)
Step by Step - Rich Mullins
We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise - Kirk Dearman (TFWS #2031)
Come, Share the Lord - Bryan Jeffery Leech (TFWS #2269 - VU #469)
Where VU stands for Voices United, the United Church of Canada hymnal and TWFS stands for The Faith We Sing, the United Methodist Church hymnal supplement.
God Bless You!