Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The wrong impression
I was kind of lazy today and instead of rewriting my thoughts about the Love [your city] video I pointed our minister to my blog entry of yesterday. Which of course caused me to take a step back and consider how people would react to me having two weblogs: one where I put worship related stuff and one where everything else goes.

I don't want people to think that my Christian life is different than my secular one. It is really all one and the same. My Christian beliefs are an integral part of who I am and they affect all my decisions and/or actions I take in my every day life. But faced with the fact that I had created two weblogs and not wanting to waste one of them I decided to split them along religious/secular lines. Maybe this was not the best way to make use of the two weblogs.

But it will probably end up that most everything of note will be taking place in this weblog and the other one will probably be just a place where I vent about stuff at work. Anyway, I will prayerfully consider how best to deal with this issue.

God bless you!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:19 PM | Permalink |