Monday, July 18, 2005
Love [your city]
I have mentioned Love [your city] in my blog before. There is a promotional video that I have been showing at church (at the discernment committee meeting as well as last Sunday during the celebration time). Our minister is thinking about incorporating the video into the Sunday service. The original idea was to show the video during the service on July 31st where the theme is the parable of the mustard seed. After some prayerful thinking, our minister now thinks that it may be better to include the video as part of next Sunday's service which is about the parable of the leaven (as well as being communion). She has asked my daughter's and my opinion on the matter. Well I have been thinking about it most of the evening, and I think that it can fit in either service. The acts of kindness that are part of Love [your city] can be thought of as either seeds planted in the people receiving those acts of kindness or as the leaven that could cause their faith to grow.

Well now that I have written it down, I still think that it makes sense. So I will be sending an email back to our minister telling her just that. All I need to do now is come up with songs for the singsong and figure out exactly how we will intertwine the video and the powerpoint presentation.

God Bless you!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:46 PM | Permalink |