Tuesday, September 06, 2005
And it is a go
I have heard back from the minister from the other church, and he has a parishioner who is looking into getting water at warehouse prices. I will take that to mean that we are a go. All that remains is to plan how to get 1200 bottles of water cold and into the hands of the public. Should be an interesting time.

Speaking of Love Esquimalt/Vic West/View Royal, I have received an email from them tonight reminding me about the meeting on Thursday night, September 8th, at 7pm. In the message it says that this is the last meeting before the Kindness Explosion on September 24th. Somehow I find this very hard to believe. They also want to know the name and contact number for each of our teams and how many people each of the teams will need. Getting names and contact numbers was not discussed in the last meeting - all they were interested then was the number of teams and the number of people in them. I hate it when people change requirements just before a meeting. Well all they are going to get is the original request.

I think I better stop here.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:21 PM | Permalink |