Sunday, August 28, 2005
Lay reader
It turns out that I ended up being lay reader this morning. I tried to get one of my daughters to do it, but one had done it already and the other did not feel comfortable doing it. I think I did a decent job although I know that I flubbed a couple of words. I probably mispronounced a few as well. This was the last Sunday where we had a guest minister; Rev. Jerri is back next week. I enjoyed again the reflection (sermon) that Rev. Lavenne gave this morning. It was interesting to see the different angles that both ministers took in their reflection.

It was also celebration Sunday today. Every month, our church holds a get together after church to celebrate the significant events in our church family. We have tea, coffee, juice and goodies (usually cake and maybe cookies as well as donut holes). It is a time to share in the lives of the people in the congregation. I must confess that I am not really a big one for sharing. Although I may sound like I am outgoing during the singsong and when I am the lay reader I am really a private person that will not go out of his way to talk to people.

The fall season is now upon us at church and it is time to get back on the vision trail. The theme for the next couple of weeks is "Casting a vision". I have not yet really looked at the Bible readings so I will keep you posted during the next few days.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:47 PM | Permalink |