Monday, September 12, 2005
A lot to think about
As I mentioned yesterday, tonight was the first fall meeting of the Discernment committee. We talked about the difference about the membership and discipleship models, as well as the people's impressions of the churches they had visited during the summer. I want to say that I do not think that everyone really got the meaning of discipleship and how to recognize it, but that would assume that I know all about it - which would be presumptuous. I think that some equate a thriving church with a discipleship church. Although the former can be a result of the latter, I do not think that it is what we should be striving for.

We did decide that the discipleship model of church would be the one we wanted to go towards. So we have more reading to do about living the six marks of discipleship. We were given a book from the same author that wrote "Power Surge" the book we had been reading so far. The book is called "Real Faith for real life".

I have not had time to get started on the songs for next week's singsong. And that is partly because all I have to go by is the theme for September, "Made in the Image of God", and the theme Bible reading for this week: Genesis 12:1-9 "Get up and Go". I will start looking at songs tomorrow.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:20 PM | Permalink |


  • At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi Chris...
    I think that most folks were struggling tonight about how to identify signs of a discipleship church and may well be still equating discipleship with thriving instead of faithful.... so we will keep on working on that all along the way.

    I hope the book will begin to help people work with discipleship and wrestle with what that may mean in their own life as well as our life together as a congregation. At the very least it gives us a jumping off spot and touchstone for our exploration.

    May you have a gentle restful sleep.... I hope you are feeling better tomorrow.
