"First, assume you are successful" -- Ron Jewula
The main purpose of tonight's meeting was to review, amend, and recommend the church's budget for 2006. Some of the decisions that were being made tonight will affect how the church goes about its business. Which of course reminded me of the quote I listed above. One of my previous managers told it to me when we were trying to start up a new government service. I thought it applied tonight since the decisions we made tonight would not have been made had we decided to just maintain the status quo. It is a little nerve-wracking however when you are not really sure what success will look like - that is still being discerned by, you guessed it, the discernment committee.
I guess I better get started on picking songs for next Sunday. Since there has been a break of a couple of weeks, it probably would be a good time to make changes if there were any to be made. I should think on that as well.
I have been asked to join the Ministry and Personnel (M&P) committee. I have said that I would think about it. Apparently, being a member of the Worship committee is in conflict with being a member of M&P. I think that my gifts would be better served on the Worship committee rather than M&P. Also I have at times thought that I was involved in too many things already, so I do not think that adding another committee is really a good idea. I will however thing about it some more, as well as pray about it.
God Bless You!