Saturday, January 07, 2006
Sunday songs
I must say that this week has been a week where I have not felt like doing much of anything. So I am afraid that I have been remiss in doing my bible and devotional readings. Hopefully I will start again next week.

But I did find some songs for the singsong tomorrow. I kept one over from last week since we never got to do it as the projector was not working. I also think that it can act as a reminder of what took place last week. The other two songs are on the Baptism of Jesus theme - actually recommendations from the GBOD of the United Methodist Church. So here they are:

"Shine, Jesus, Shine" Graham Kendrick [TFWS2173]
"Baptized in Water" Michael Saward [TFWS2148]
"Come, Be Baptized" Gary Alan Smith [TFWS2152]

The only one of the 3 that we have not done before is the last one.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |