Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Weary Wednesday
Called in sick today as the lack of sleep over the last few days caught up with me. Spent most of the day just vegetating, so did not do much with regards to song picking. I feel bad about it as I was going to try to come up with selections for the choir for the month of February. Our choir director has asked for our input since she is leaving at the end of January. But we still have to practice the February anthems before she leaves - hence the request for selections.

It turns out, however, that I will not be at Thursday's choir practice as my older daughter is leaving for her 3 month course on an 8pm bus. Needless to say, I will be waving goodbye to my daughter (and taking her to the bus stop beforehand) instead of singing.

I also need to seriously look at the minutes of the last finance committee meeting; we will be discussing and narrowing down our choices for vision/mission statement. And since it is next Monday night, I better get a move on.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:04 PM | Permalink |