Saturday, March 11, 2006
Ask and you shall receive
As I had mentioned in yesterday's entry, I knew there was a song with "you shall be my people, and I will be your God" in it but could not think of it. Fortunately for me, a fellow blogger, "a pilgrim", left a comment letting me know of a couple of suggestions that either had the phrase above or spoke of the Bible. I ended up using one of those selections. So the selection of songs for the pre-service singing is as follows (in the order they will be sung):

"Open Your Ears, O Faithful People" VU272
"Tower of Strength" Unknown
"To Abraham and Sarah" VU634

As I may have mentioned before, my older daughter is visiting for the weekend. She has a weekend off from the Winter Session she has been attending at Naramata. She is very excited about teaching "Tower of Strength" to the congregation, a song she has learned while on course.

The choir (especially the director) were bemoaning the fact that we were only getting to sing 1 verse of some really great hymns and "To Abraham and Sarah" was one of them. So they will be happy to be able to sing all verses to that song. And since the music director has been helping me play for the pre-service singing, he will be pleased as well.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:48 PM | Permalink |