Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Who are we?
Seems like such a simple question, doesn't it? That is the question with which we have to wrestle before the next meeting of the Discernment committee. Ideally, we should have a one sentence answer to that question. It turns out that it is more complex than it seems, well for me anyway. I am probably making it a lot harder than it has to be by imposing some rules onto the answer. I think that the answer should be simple, easy to remember, but full of meaning. I hope that we were not supposed to keep our answer to ourselves until the meeting, because I think that the following is what resonates most with me at the moment:

"Loved by God, forgiven by grace, on the faith journey to eternal life."

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:49 PM | Permalink |