I think tonight's Discernment Committee meeting was a good one. And as I had hoped, there were a lot of good ideas that were put forward. People liked my statement, but it is not specific enough to let people new to the church know what we are about. So there is more work to be done. The facilitator thinks that we are even closer to coming up with a Vision Statement than we were a couple of weeks ago.
So some people wondered if it would be possible to continue the discussion about the Vision Statement between meetings. And the facilitator wondered if it would be possible to do this online. And since I am the one with experience in the computer field...
I have had good luck with using a Wiki to share information. A Wiki is particularly well suited to collaborative writing as it allows quick and easy editing of information of the pages that are on the site. So I have created a place on the web where we can go and carry on our discussions. It is named, not surprisingly, Esquimalt Discernment.
I have quickly put down some information so the site is not bare. Anyone can click on the link above and have a look around. To make changes to the page, you first have to register. And once you have your id (mine is ChrisThibodeau) you can login and start making changes to the site.
I am looking forward to the end result of our collaboration.
God Bless You!