Monday, February 27, 2006
A question of trust
"Is it just wishful thinking to believe that God loves us in the midst of disappointment, pain and tragedy? How can I trust God to be there anyway?" -- Beginnings program

"Whoever sings [to God, in worship], prays twice" -- Attributed to Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 C.E.

I guess the two people having a conversation right behind me during the singsong tainted my opinion of how things went as I have heard that, from the pews, it did not sound like there were people talking. Of that I am glad. The people at our church really like to sing, and I would hate to be the one that would make them decide to not sing with bad choices in songs.

And speaking of songs, I have decide to start early in trying to select songs for the pre-service singing. This week theme is "Can I trust God?" and the question asked is quoted at the top of this entry.

I have, in the last couple of weeks, gone back to the practice of asking people if they have any songs that they would like to hear - no, make that sing since they can listen to music anywhere. It is most important that they get involved in singing as the quote above indicates. In any case, I was given a request this last Sunday: Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice. It is one of my favourite hymns/songs and I do not think it is a coincidence that I was reminded of it on Sunday. If you read the lyrics (click on the title of the song) I hope you will agree with me that it is a very good example of how Jesus is always with us in all phases of our life. So it is high on the list of possible songs for this Sunday.

One of the members of the Discernment committee as tendered her resignation. I am very sorry to see her go and will miss her valuable inputs in our discussions. I will hold her in my prayers in hoping she is successful in her spiritual quest. God speed!

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:29 PM | Permalink |