Saturday, March 18, 2006
Contemplative singing this week
It took me quite a while to find songs I liked for the pre-service singing Sunday morning. I have pretty much concentrated all the songs on the topic of coming home to Christ/God or Christ/God wanting us to come home. So the three songs I have chosen are (in the order they will be sung):

"Little is Much when God is in it" Kittie L. Suffield
"Softly and Tenderly" Will L. Thompson
"O God, We Have Wandered" VU112 (on page 3 of the document)

On the Vision/Mission statement front, I have not had an epiphany yet. Well at least not as to what those statements should be. But I think I finally have a pretty good idea what each one is. I have wrongly been using the terms interchangeably. After doing some reading and looking around, I think a Vision statement is something that says who we are, and the Mission statement says what we do. So, for example, a Vision statement would be:
Esquimalt United church is a community of disciples
Loved by God,
Forgiven by Grace,
on a faith journey to eternal life.
whereas a Mission statement could be something like this:
Esquimalt United church
- is dedicated to uplifting and meaningful worship through prayer, scripture and song;
- welcomes all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ;
- nurtures faith journeys of all ages and all stages;
- partners with others who share the same faith to spread the message of Jesus Christ to the community at large.
I am sure these could be said better but I wanted to put forth some quick examples of what I think the difference between the two is.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |


  • At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Amen Brother.....Amen!

    You have it!

    That is exactly what vision/ission statements are... and those are beautifully written.

    God Bless you!