"For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." -- Luke 15:24a [NIV]
The title above is part of the question for this week's theme for the Sunday service; the actual question is "Lost, Found, Not Yet Begun: Where am I on this journey with God?" And you will most likely recognize the Bible passage quoted above as coming from the story of the lost son (or the prodigal son).
I have turned my attention towards trying to find some good songs for the pre-service singing. I have run across a song called "Come Home" and I think the words are just great. Unfortunately for me, I do not think that the music lives up to the words and it would not be something that the congregation would pick up easily. And those words reminded me of another hymn, "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling". I really like that hymn, and I think that we have sung it during the pre-service singing before. I will have to keep that song in mind.
Something else I spent some time on tonight is the Vision Statement. Not that I can report progress, but re-reading the statements put forward by the members gives me a chance to think about it some more.
This has taken me a lot longer to write than I had anticipated so I better close.
God Bless You!