Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, Sunday
I enjoyed the Sunday service once again. The reflection was particularly good. Instead of me trying to paraphrase what the reflection (sermon) was about, I will just point you to the sermon itself. I do not know if I have mentioned before, but the reflection for a particular Sunday is usually available shortly after the service, as is the bulletin, on the church web site: Esquimalt United Church.

The pre-service singing went very well, even if do I say so myself. I must say that having our music director, Brooke Maxwell, play along with the pre-service music is a tremendous help. I really appreciate all of his help. I also received music books as well as a tape of Vineyard music from a couple of members of the congregation. You can never have too much material to choose from.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 12:05 AM | Permalink |