"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" -- 1 Corinthians 15:55 [NIV]
As expected, there were some grumbling from members of the choir when they saw where the piano was. But our music director, Brooke Maxwell, explained that it was at his request that the piano had been moved. He wanted to be closer to the choir and also needed to see the congregation (he was sitting with his back to the congregation before now). This seemed to satisfy the masses. There is still the slight problem of how to sit for rehearsals, but I am sure a good solution will be found. For tonight, we just turned the chairs 90 degrees to face the piano.
During choir practice, Brooke asked if we had any suggestions for anthems for the choir for Easter. The following song came to mind: "Alive, Forever, Amen". I have listened to it again and it probably is too involved for a choir of our size. But it certainly is a nice song. And the lyrics could even be used for next Sunday's service. Unfortunately, the song is not really one that can be done easily by a congregation. I would recommend following the link and looking at the words.
I have not had much of a chance to either look for songs or work on the discernment homework. This week as been a busier week than most. I am hoping that the early part of the weekend will have some quiet time where I can figure out what songs will 1) fit the theme, 2) be easy for the congregation to sing, and 3) help get the congregation in the right frame of mind. I can say that this week seems to be more of a challenge as far as picking songs is concerned.
I have just found this song that I think is great: "You In My Life". It seems to me to fit well with the theme for this week and it is currently in the list of possible songs for the singsong.
God Bless You!