I did not post yesterday as I was busy readying the presentation for this morning's Good Friday service. Of course, part of the reason I was working on the presentation the night before the service is that I procrastinated about working on it until then. I had been looking for the right pictures to accompany the service a couple of weeks ago, but had not looked/searched again until last night. Fortunately for me, I was able to find pictures that were nice and suitable.
Both the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services were very well done and hopefully gave everyone something to think about. I am looking forward to the Easter service.
Oh and yes, I have updated the look of this blog. I had been thinking about doing this for quite a while now, and this design really appealed to me. I hope people visiting will like it as well.
God Bless You!
Update: Immediately after writing this post, I ran into a pointer to an article about Overcoming Procrastination on one of the web sites I visit every day. Interesting, don't you think?