Wednesday, April 12, 2006
More fine tuning
One of the members of the Discernment sent an email to the group with a suggestion for the one core value statement that we did not all agree on:

We value working side by side with other [Christian groups] to share Christ'’s love in our community.

The words in [italic] were the ones we were having trouble with. It was thought that maybe we were being arrogant to only value working with Christian groups. So that member suggested the following change:

We value working side by side with other churches and Christian groups in our community.

Well I guess it is my turn to have a problem with the statement. First, I should mention that I think that the problem was not with the word "Christian" rather with the word "value". Also, this may be splitting hairs, but I do not really think we would want to work with the Church of Scientology so the statement would have to be changed to "Christian churches and groups" for it to be okay with me.

I also want to mention that unless "to share Christ's love" was taken out of the statement for the sake of brevity I really want to say that I think it should be included. This would make the value statement thus:

We believe in sharing Christ's love in our community by working side by side with other Christian churches and groups.

And now that I look at the value statements more closely I would also like to change another value statement to read:

We believe that Christ's message of love is modeled through respect, acceptance and support of all of the diverse parts of God'’s family.

Okay, enough playing around for the time being.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:19 PM | Permalink |