Friday, June 30, 2006
Catching up
How time flew this week! Here it is already Friday and I have not been keeping up with the events of the week since Monday.

What was supposed to be the last Official Board meeting took place on Wednesday. It had been a while since the last meeting so there was a lot to catch up on. Well a lot to catch up on for some of the members of the Board as the majority of the members of the Board were on the Discernment committee and already knew all about what was being presented. It did increase the amount of time spent on some of the items as those Board members not on the Discernment committee had to be brought up to speed before any decisions could be made. So we ended up not being able to go through the whole agenda, including the part where we were going to change the method of Governance of the church to the Unified Board model. Those members that are not in Discernment asked for more time to study the motion. Which means that there will be at least one more meeting of the Official Board in the middle of August.

I have been having a quick look at the information for the service on Sunday, and the only reading I know of right now is Psalm 100 so it might be slim pickings as far as song choices based on the Scripture readings for the week. One of the songs this week, "Heaven Is Singing For Joy", does not at the moment look very familiar to me and so I might just do it during the singsong so people will be familiar with it.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:59 PM | Permalink |