I usually, during the singsong, go over any new music that will be sung in the service. So the task of picking music for the singsong is very easy this week as there are two hymns that are new to the congregation (well at the very least new to me) and one that has only been done once in the singsong before. I have therefore decided to do those three hymns. As of right now, the order in which they will be sung is:
"How Great the Mystery of Faith" VU390
"Deep in Our Hearts" MVS7
"Blessed Be Your Name" Beth & Matt Redman
I am looking forward to tomorrow's service as we (and by we I mean the minister) will start preaching on the Vision, Mission and Value statements that the Discernment committee has laboured over this past year. I have two reasons for looking forward to it. One, I am eager to see how the congregation at large will respond to the statements (we have spoken to different groups in the church already with positive reactions), and two, I think this will help get excited all over again over the work that we (and by we this time I mean the Discernment committee) have done.
God Bless You!