Things have been busy around here lately so I could always use that as an excuse for not posting, but since my wife has been doing most of the work there is not much I can say in my defense. Although those that know me will know why when I say "new computers".
Wednesday June 14 was the wrap up meeting for this year's Love Your City event. We watched a rough copy of the Love Your City video for this year; it will be really great when it is finished (which is supposed to be Friday next week). We also discussed what went well and what could be done better. The fact that we were all together as one "Church of Esquimalt" this year was what was noted as being the best thing that happened this year. Probably the only thing that people mentioned could be better is the fact that we did not hit has many locations this year and that we should see what can be done about it. Once suggestion was that maybe we could have roving teams that would not stay in one place but go from place to place to perform their servant evangelism.
Pretty much everyone also agreed that we should do this more than once a year; although we could not decide on a date. The one suggestion that garnered the most interest was to have events happen around the end of January as it was mentioned that it probably was the worst time of year for low income families. The Extreme Outreach Christmas dinner was one thing that was mentioned could be moved to January since there are a lot of things happening around Christmas but nothing or next to nothing in January.
In any case, it was decided to meet again on September 13th to start and seriously look at what can be done. Oh, and it was also mentioned that the Ministerial would make a concerted effort to try and reach those churches that did not take part in the event last year. Even if the clergy is not involved from those churches, we are hopeful that some lay people could be found to lead things at the church level.
God Bless You!