Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Official Board
It came as a surprise to me yesterday to find out that there was an Official Board meeting tonight. Not that the meeting was unscheduled, I just had not put it in my calendar so I had no idea it was coming up. Fortunately, our minister had put it in her calendar and sent an email to remind everyone. A lot of material was covered once again, and the meeting lasted for almost 3 hours and it probably would have lasted for longer than that if the Chair had not kept a tight reign on the meeting and brought us back on topic.

Love Your City officially kicks off in 3 days 10 hours, and I might actually be somewhat ready. There is still the small item of actually buying the water bottles that we will be distributing, and cutting the kindness cards, and getting rubber bands to put the cards on the bottles, and..... Okay, so somewhat might be a little optimistic. But things will come together.

That being said, I better get a good night's sleep as there is much to be done in the next few days.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:52 PM | Permalink |