As I write this, there is about 19 hours before the kickoff rally for Love Your City.
I have been pretty busy this week; so busy in fact that I never got around to checking one of my email accounts until tonight. That was unfortunate because it was the email account where I was communicating with the person coordinating the singing for the rally. I had sent her (late of course) music suggestions for the rally. She was out of town so did not get my email until early this week and by that time the songs selections had been made. She did, however, offer for me to sing one of my song suggestions as special music before the speaker brings the message. Of course, I did not get her message (which she sent on Tuesday) until late tonight (Thursday) which probably means it is too late. I did reply and said I would be willing to sing "Draw the Circle Wide" if that is still possible. I will have my guitar in the car just in case.
I have bought some of the water needed for Saturday. 700 bottles have been stored in one of the Sunday School rooms until they will be labeled and handed out on Saturday. I will go get the other 300 probably before the rally on Friday. If not, I will go by and get them early Saturday. I am actually going to get 350 more since that works better with the size of the water cases, and that way I have a few extra to hand out to the volunteers since they do not need the kindness cards. That and rubber bands are all that is left to buy for the event on Saturday.
You might remember that we had decided on 600 bottles of water. But since we are going to be at more places than last year, we (the minister and I) decided to increase the number of bottles to 1000 so we might have enough. That does leave us with having to cut an extra 400 kindness cards - I am thinking that can be done by the volunteers labeling the bottles on Saturday morning. This is of course assuming that we get the extra cards Friday night at the rally but since that is the logical place to get them I am not worried.
God Bless You!
Great songs Chris! And thank you once again for all your hard work getting everything ready for Love your City.....I really appreciated your organization and willingness to put things together. Bless you!