Romans 8:22-28
Matthew 4:13-25
Matthew 7:12-29
I wonder if I can read into this selection of readings that our minister thinks more highly of these particular passages as a basis for the Vision, Mission and Core Values statements as that is what she will be covering for the next three weeks. That would be an easy way out of having to go through all the readings she has given us to look at for the next Discernment meeting which is next Monday, June 12th at the church. But that would be cheating. Besides, I have read the first passage and it did not speak to me.
Which brings me to a worry that I have. At meetings that we have at the church we read a Bible passage and we are asked to come up with words that strike us, and what the passage says to us at that particular moment. Lately I have had trouble coming up with anything. I always seem to be stuck in the literal and do not really get anything out of the passages, well at least not anything like the other people at the meetings. It seems to me that I used to be able to get into the readings - I wonder what has changed and why.
Well I better go get some sleep.
God Bless You!
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