Sunday, July 02, 2006
Has it been a year already?
I was looking back at the first posts I made in my blog here on Blogger, and the very first post mentions that we had just completed the first church service using PowerPoint (which you can read here). It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we started using PowerPoint for the service. I am not sure that we would be able to easily do without it now as it has become second nature to make use of it. In this short period of time, we have obtained a proper screen (the first presentation was done on a bed sheet!), and a proper stand for the projector (we used a plant stand). And soon the church will be getting a projector and laptop so it does not have to depend on church members for those pieces of equipment.

The singsong went pretty well this morning; many thanks to the young woman who graciously accepted, at the last minute, the job of running the PowerPoint while I sang. It could not have happened without her. I still find it hard to believe that I will be taking a break from doing the singsong, next week will be my last Sunday. I get the feeling that when Fall comes the singsong will morph into something different. Of course I may be totally wrong about this.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:00 PM | Permalink |