Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Am I being too critical?
I have been doing a lot of web surfing lately, particularly in the area of web presence of churches. That is a direct result of a newsletter I receive weekly called WorshipIdeas; some of the topics of the newsletter are now being put on in the WorshipIdeas.com blog. He points to a few church web sites that I had a look at.

First thing that I realised is that I did not even have a link to the web site of my own church in the list of links! That was easily rectified. Then, after having looked at those other web sites, I went back and had a critical look at our web site. And this is where the title of this entry comes in as I did not think that our site fared very well compared to those others. It basically comes down to this: just being on the web is no longer enough, you now have to realise that your web site is probably the first impression we will make on many of the new generation of seekers. I do not know (okay I do not think) that our current site would appeal to those people. Yet another thing we will need to work on (my opinion).

I was glad to see that our Mission and Core values were easily reachable. It took me a while to figure out where the Vision was however. Apparently telling people that Summertime is slow is more important than telling them what we are about. I'm obviously biased since I spend a year's time in a committee to come up with the Vision, but I think it should be something that stands out when people visit the site.

Okay, enough criticizing for one day...

God Bless You!

PS: I have moved my blog to the beta version, and I understand that it has broken the comment system if those people wanting to comment have not also joined the beta system. Sorry about that!

Update: I have found a way around the comment problem. Just post your comments anonymously.
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:04 PM | Permalink |