The youth that prepared the PowerPoint presentation had a previous engagement so I ran the presentation on Sunday. Once again there were pictures of the renovation to add to the presentation so that they could the congregation could be kept up to date on the progress. I think that it is a great idea to keep everyone informed, I just wish that I did not have to get the pictures in the presentation 10 minutes before the service started. I guess I will just have to get there sooner.
We had another guest speaker on Sunday, keeping with the "Getting to Know our Neighbours in Christ" theme while our minister is taking a well deserved vacation. The speaker was from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Victoria. He had spoken at the Friday rally of Love Your City, and he covered some of the same material (the new Church paradigm) that he did at the rally. I do think it was good for those who were not at the Love Your City rally to hear his remarks.
One thing that just struck me is that I did not realize until just now how difficult it is to get into the flow of things when you sing a song then you sit down and then you stand up and sing another song. I am beginning to see the merit of stringing songs together to really get into the flow of things.
God Bless You!