As the computer is in the shop being repaired, there was no work done on any of the things that needs to be done for the Sunday service as well as for the singsong. So on Saturday I have to fit finding a third song for the singsong as well as getting both PowerPoint presentations ready for Sunday. A busy day ahead as the title indicates.
I remembered to read the Devotional this morning; that makes it 4 out of the 5 days that I have remembered. Hopefully soon it will be 5 out of 5 and I will no longer have to mention it as it will be part of the routine.
Interesting fact: yesterday I could not remember the tune or words to "How great is Our God" and I had no problems singing "Holy is the Lord". This morning in the shower it was the complete opposite. It would appear that I go back and forth between the two songs; one morning it will be one and the next morning the other. I think someone is trying to tell me that those songs should be sung. And it is very possible that one of them will be selected as the third song for the singsong.
God Bless You!