One of things I try to do now that I am writing a blog that speaks partly about my experiences in choosing songs is to point to the lyrics of the selected songs so you can also have an idea as to what those hymns convey and how they fit, hopefully, with the theme for the week. Unfortunately this week, it would appear that the only way you will get to read the lyrics is if you have access to the hymn books those songs are in. I could put the lyrics up in my blog, but I do not think that the license we have to use those songs would include me putting the lyrics online. In any case, the following are the songs I intend use and their order:
"Dare to be a Daniel" Philip P. Bliss
"We Are One" VU 402 vs.1,2,4
"An Outcast Among Outcasts" TFWS 2104
You will notice this week that I have not included tune names. In the case of "We Are One" the tune (of the same name of the hymn) is not available online, and in the case of "An Outcast Among Outcasts" I am still undecided about the tune. For the first song, clicking on the title will bring you to the words and there is a link at the bottom of the page where you can hear the tune if you click it.
Ever since I mentioned that I had gone a few days without reading the Devotional in the morning I have had trouble trying to read it every day. I have had trouble reading in the morning but I have made sure that the Bible is available where I spend most of the day so I can read the Devotional as soon as I think about it. So there is no routine, but at least I do read it every day. Not ideally where I would like to be, but it is better than not reading it.
God Bless You!