The Sunday singsong and service went very well. The guest minister enjoyed the singsong and the person that had asked for "Dare to be a Daniel" was thankful and enjoyed it as well. The service went well and the guest musician was very good. The guest minister used the story of Joseph and his brothers for the children's time (out of Genesis) and said that they had to come back next week to hear the rest of the story. Since the Lectionary reading for next week (Genesis 45:1-5) talks about Joseph revealing himself to his brothers I would surmise that we will be sticking with the Lectionary readings for next week as well. One good thing is that my wife will be working on the bulletin this week so I will know earlier than last week what exactly will be happening during the service.
An interesting thing happened with the PowerPoint presentation during the service. As per usual, all the hymns were in the presentation except for the Sung Blessing which is in the bulletin. However, the guest minister was expecting it to be on the screen and so was the guest musician. I guess we need to be consistent with what we do; I think from now on everything that the congregation participates in I will be putting in the presentation. This mostly because I think that you confuse and raise false expectations if everything is not consistent. This certainly was brought home to me by the reactions of the guests service leaders.
God Bless You!