Thursday, August 11, 2005
No progress to report
The computer I normally use to do all my searching and looking for music is currently misbehaving so I am without that very valuable source of information: my browser bookmarks. Without those it will take me 2 to 3 times as long to look anything up. Of course, while I was trying (unsuccessfully) to fix the computer I was not working on coming up with songs - so no progress was made on that front. And since that is the computer where I normally work on the PowerPoint presentations there was no progress on those either. Fortunately for me, tomorrow night is the weekend so I can take the office laptop home with me and use it to make the PowerPoint presentations. That will not help with the songs, but at least some of the stuff for Sunday will proceed more or less as planned.

I forgot to read my Devotional this morning before coming downstairs. I will read it before going to bed, but I much prefer having read it before the day gets going so I can think on it during the day if I so choose.

Anyway, I better close. God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:21 PM | Permalink |