The repaired computer came back home by mid-afternoon so I was able to complete the PowerPoint presentations for tomorrow's church service.
The songs I have decided to do for the singsong are as follows:
"O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" VU 326 TUNE Azmon
"An Outcast Among Outcasts" TFWS 2104 TUNE Lancashire
"How Great is Our God" Chris Tomlin
As I mentioned before, you can listen to the tunes for the first two hymns at the MIDI page. And, as I have also mentioned, the copyrighted words for "An Outcast Among Outcasts" are nowhere to be found on the web.
The slides for the service proper are also ready. This time if the congregation is involved, be it singing or speaking, the words are on a slide. I wrote how, last week, the slides were not consistent as some of the congregation participation was not on a slide and how it confused some people including the guest minister. I have tried to prevent that from happening this week. We will see how that goes.
(For those wondering, yes I did read the Devotional before coming down this morning.)
God Bless You!