Well it turns out that my grand plan to get 396 bottles of water for about $60 has hit a small snag: namely the deposit and environmental fees. Those add about a dollar to each dozen bottle so it would mean about $93 for those 396 bottles. It is still the cheapest price I have seen for bottles for water so I will probably go ahead and get my share anyway. However it might be a little harder to convince other people now. It seems to me like $20 is sort of a magical number; anything under $20 and you tell yourself "Oh, it's not even $20". But when you get over $30 you start thinking "Um, that's a lot of money". Divide and conquer - that's the ticket. I will just have to get more people to go and buy some water.
Next week is the last week for a guest minister to take the service before our regular minister comes back from her month long vacation. As it is the same guest minister who took the two services prior to last week, I think it is safe to assume that we will be following the Lectionary once again. All I need to know is which reading he will be focusing on so I can do the same for the singsong.
Went back to reading chapters 6 and 7 of "Power Surge" which talks of mission, position, and vision statements; I was thinking this morning that "A New Creed" of the United Church of Canada does a good job of describing what our church believes in. Of course, having just said that, the United Church also as a "What We Believe" statement.
God Bless You!