Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Tentative song selection
I do have 4 possible songs for next Sunday's singsong:

"You who are thirsty" TFWS 2132
"Drawn together by His Love" Bill Cates
"The trees of the field" TFWS 2279
"Come, Let us sing" VU 222

I still have some more digging to do, but these are my favourite songs so far. Like last week, one of these songs came to me in the shower. I did not have all the lyrics then, but a Google search found it for me "Come, Let us sing" (That song is used as the Introit in the order of service web page).

I have read some more of the "Power Surge" on the bus this morning. I seem to remember coming up with a thought while I was reading it; however, I cannot remember what it is. I guess I will just have to re-read that section of the chapter.

Not much else to say so I will close.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:45 PM | Permalink |