I wanted to document what we have been using for a projection screen at church as it will be probably be gone in the next couple of weeks. It may be hard to tell but this is only a metal frame with a white sheet attached to it. One of the people at the church has purchased a new projection screen that he is donating to the church. He mentioned that it had been shipped over a week ago so it probably arrived late last week. Another person at the church is putting up a board so that new projection screen can hang from it.
The service itself went very well and I think that the singsong went well also. Only thing was that somehow today I was very talkative. Maybe that was not a bad thing since the songs I had were short, but I want the congregation to sing not listen to me ramble on about stuff. The service was done this week by a guest minister of sorts. Guest in the sense that our minister is still on vacation, but since the people running the service were long time members of the church does not really make them guests. They were a man and his granddaughter. They shared most of the duties, but the reflection (aka sermon) was done by the granddaughter.
God Bless You!