Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Missed prayer meeting
I have to confess that I found excuses to not go to the Love [Your City] prayer meeting tonight. I had been thinking about going, but when it turned out that our computer had contracted a virus I jumped at the chance to work on the problem instead of going to the meeting. It is probably because I do not think that I would feel comfortable there. People in "charismatic" churches are more vocal about praying. I am not saying that it is wrong I as believe that any praying is good, but I am pretty much a private person who internalizes his prayers so being in the midst of people that are more vocal about their praying is unsettling for me. I am sure that whatever fears I have about going are unfounded and that I probably would find it an interesting experience. But for the moment it would appear that any occurrence that can be used as an excuse will keep me away from a prayer meeting. Hey, I'm not proud of it.

I have started to look at the song selections for next Sunday based on the assumption that we will be following the Lectionary. As I mentioned before, one of the places where I look for song is the United Methodist Church's General Board of Discipleship website. For example, if you look here you will see their hymn suggestions for this coming Sunday. The guest minister has been reading out of Matthew in his previous visits so I would expect he will do the same again. There are other sources, like one of the back sections of "Voices United", that I have not yet looked at that can also provide a source of songs. And once I have read the Bible readings I will be able to maybe look around for other songs.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:33 PM | Permalink |