Sunday, October 30, 2005
Giving your heart to the church
As I had mentioned a couple of days ago, I was one of 4 people that had been asked to recount their statement made at the Finance Committee meeting about when they had given their heart to the church. For those of you who might have missed the service, here is my statement:

When I first heard the question about when the congregation became my home, I had an answer ready immediately. But as I was listening to the others give their answer I realized that we were talking about two different things altogether.

You see, ever since I have been going to church, I have always been involved in some way: Altar boy when I was very young, when I was a teen I was, with the rest of my family, leading the singing during the church service. So, although I had only joined this church so that my kids would have a Christian education, it was very natural for me to become involved. I joined the choir because I enjoy singing and I felt that it was my duty to use my God given gift in God's service. So you could say that in my head this was my home, but not in my heart.

The problem was that all this time, I felt as if there was something missing. I came to church every week, made sure that I was singing the hymns right, listen when I was supposed to listen, responded when called for. And I certainly enjoyed being part of such a wonderful group of people - my church family. But I kept thinking that there should be more.

It was not until I attended the Alpha and Beginnings courses that I realized that what I wanted was a relationship with God and that, as with any relationship, both parties have to actively take part for the relationship to work. Sitting there waiting for something to happen did not work, but it is amazing how easily you can find God when you're looking for Him. I can now say that I have opened my heart to God and this is the place where I want to be deepening my relationship with God.

I don't think it has the same impact on its own, taken away from the context of the reflection, but at least you get an idea of what it was all about.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:26 PM | Permalink |