I have had trouble finding songs for this Sunday. But I have been mentioning in the singsong that I would sing any songs that the congregation would request. I did receive just such a request a couple of weeks ago, "The church in the Wildwood", so this is as good a time as any to do it. And another song that has been stuck in my mind is "Come let us worship and bow down", which are the words from Psalm 95:6-7. Those verses were some of the ones quoted for the last discernment committee meeting and it has been running through my head ever since. And I mentioned the other song in yesterday's entry. So I think the order will be as follows:
"Come let us worship and bow down" Maranatha Singers
"The Church in the Wildwood" Dr. Wm. S. Pitts
"Hunger and Thirst" David Moffitt and Sue Smith
God Bless You!