Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Random thoughts
It dawned on me, when I woke up this morning, that the watershed moment was not so much how the service was done, but rather that people realized that this was what discipleship was all about. I am repeating this just in case you have not read the comment left on my previous entry.

Tonight was the finance committee meeting, and this time we delved quite deeply in why we first came to Esquimalt United Church and why we decided to stay and why we are still here. It was shortly after that that I realized how committed I am to making this work. I am not too proud that it involved losing my temper though.

One thing I keep forgetting to put down here. I have been meaning to write down another thought I had. Someone mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the 5 churches that are struggling should merge so that they do not all spend money and that way make one viable congregation. I have thought about it and decided that it would be a bad idea. And the reason behind that is that then there would be no reason to make changes - therefore just putting off to the future having to deal with the issues the church as a whole is having today. Just my 2 cents.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:44 PM | Permalink |