A couple of weeks ago I watched a Paul Baloche instructional DVD titled "Leading Worship: Creating Flow". The thing that struck me was how, even though he and his band were practicing/demonstrating their craft, he would actually be praying/worshipping while doing it. At first I thought he was just putting on a front, but after seeing how much it was affecting him I came to see that he was genuinely praying/worshipping.
This came to mind tonight while I was sitting at choir practice. I was thinking "here I am singing about/to God and I am just worried about the mechanics." And I was getting distracted by little things: the piano being back in its regular position after we had moved it out of the way just 6 days ago; the overhead screen having been moved halfway up - a temporary position or one that we want to use - will the projected image fit? Another thing, I decided to give it a go (praying/worshipping) and, for me, it is harder to do if you are singing a song about God rather than to God. Maybe that is why contemporary Christian music is written in a way that allows the people singing to sing to God.
Our minister sent me a link for some Advent music. I have not had the chance to really look at it but there was one that I might try and do during the singsong: "The King Shall Come"- which I have yet to pick any songs for. Crunch time is coming.
God Bless You!